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BAR FANTASPORTAL [stai nascondendo il titolo] Ultimo messaggio boezio 29/01 16:12 Bollettini: 1
Sport Americani - Football NFL: le news

It's not the same moon


capelca - 06/09/23, 10:17

Did you ever hear the theory of the universe where every time you make a choice a brand new planet gets created?
Did you ever hear that theory, does it carry any sense?
That a choice can split the world in two or is it all just too immense for you?
That they all exist in parallel, each one separate from the other and every subsequent decision makes a new world then another and they all stretch out towards infinity getting further and further away
Now, were a man to reconsider his position and try to spin the world back to its original state?
It's not a scientific proposition and relatively speaking,
you're late

Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner & Rob Mathes

Multiverso, universi paralleli, scelte segnanti.
Iniziamo a iscriverci e a fare il nostro dovere di fantagiocatori.
Tanto, si sa, la risposta alla domanda fondamentale sulla vita l'universo e tutto quanto è sempre e comunque


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